.CO     COmment



See also:

.EB   .EC   .EN   .ER   .ST  


The .CO directive starts a comment block which can be filled with any remarks. It may also be used to temporarily comment out part of your code during debugging.
With the .CO directive you can implement large blocks of remarks without the need to start every line with a comment prefix like ; * or #.

Boundary Sync:

In Version 3 of the SB-Assembler this directive will perform a boundary sync.


The part of your source file that should be ignored by the SB-Assembler can be enclosed between the opening directive .CO and the closing directive .EC. All lines in between will be treated as if they all start with a comment prefix like ; * or #. They will be listed in list files, but the syntax is not checked nor will any code be generated.

It is possible to define a label together with the .CO directive on the same source line. All text following the .CO directive on the same source line will be ignored.
All following lines of the source file will also be ignored until the .EC directive is encountered in the operand field of a source line.

The .COmment mode will automatically be terminated if the physical end of the source file is reached.


        .CO             Beginning of the comment block
Anything is allowed in this comment block.
You don't have to start the line with ; * or #
; Although it won't hurt if you do.

        .CO             It is not possible to nest comment
blocks. The last .CO directive is treated as a comment itself.
The next .EC directive will end the complete .COmment mode.

        LD    A,B      Is not assembled
        .DO   A>B      Has no effect
        .IN   FILE     Just skipped
        .EN            Not even this is interpreted

        .EC            End of comment block, at last.