This is my Dutch only web site. It contains a variaty of topics, most of which are related to computers, the internet and FON.
This blog is maintained by the reincarnation of the Dutch Wisclub. It's in Dutch though.
I had discovered Izabella's work around the 8085, Z80 and Motorola's 68000 processors before she became the only female member of the Wisclub. Now I keep her site on-line here, in honour of her memory.
Izabella and I worked on a project called Sitcom (San & Izabella's Training Computer). Sadly she passed away before we could finish the project.
Ben was a great fan of Bascom, a basic dialect specifically written for 8-bit micro controllers. Later he was also very busy with 3d printing. Sadly he is no longer with us.
Hans has a collection of old computers and electrnoics kits, which he showcases on his web site.
Jan is an 8-bit veteran. On his pages he keeps a record of all his electronics and software adventures. And more...
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