Running The SB-Assembler

You must first write your source file(s) before you even need to start the SB-Assembler. So I assume that you have saved your source file now.
The SB-Assembler is started by typing the following command in the terminal or at the DOS prompt:

sbasm sourcefile

The sourcefile is the name of your main source file and it must obey to the naming rules described on the Source Files page. An extension is optional for sourcefile. If it is omitted the default extension .asm is used.

On Version 2 of the SB-Assembler the assembly process can be halted at any time by pressing almost any key, e.g. for taking a closer look at the listing that is sent to the screen. The message Press almost any key to continue is displayed to indicate that the assembly process is halted. Pressing almost any key will continue the assembly process again.
Pressing the ESC key at any time will abort the assembly process completely.

On Version 3 of the SB-Assembler you can no longer halt the output by pressing just about any key. The usefulness of the feature has faded when processing power made it possible to assemble a relatively huge program in less than 2 seconds.

The SB-Assembler doesn't need obscure switches on the command line, like most other assemblers do. This makes it a lot easier to start the SB-Assembler. All options are selected by using directives in your source files.

You don't even have to enter sourcefile every time you start the SB-Assembler. This is particularly useful if you're working on a project. On Linux, Unix and Macs you can set the environment variable SBASM to the name of your source file. In the most commonly used shell bash you do that by typing the following command:

export SBASM=sourcefile

Other shells may require a different syntax in order to set an environment variable. But the basic idea behind it remains the same.

On Microsoft systems you type the following command at the DOS prompt to pre-set the default sourcefile:

SET SBASM=sourcefile

After setting the environment variable like that you don't have to enter the sourcefile every time you start the SB-Assembler any more. But you still can supply the sourcefile parameter, e.g. if you want to assemble a different source file once. You may change the default sourcefile as often as you want using the above procedures.

TIP: Usually you're not interested in the listing that is sent to the screen every time you start the SB-Assembler. You can switch it off by placing the directive .LI OFF on the first line in your source file and no listing will be produced any more.

If you don't supply the sourcefile (and didn't set the SBASM environment variable) you are prompted by the SB-Assembler to enter a source file name.

The SB-Assembler does understand one switch, even though I said it didn't.
With Version 2 of the SB-Assembler the /? switch directly following the SBASM command will display a small help screen informing you how to use the sbasm command.
Version 3 of the SB-Assembler is prepared to use the -h switch in order to display a more detailed help screen. However this feature is not implement yet.